購者 : Ida Ng
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Ida has over 20 years clinical experiences in psychological and life enhancement cases, clients come from all over the world. She has practiced in USA, UK, Singapore, Japan, Macao and Hong Kong. The scopes of service cover from psychological assessment, therapeutic treatment and mindfulness into life purpose understanding, connect to higher self and spirituality counselling; Ida has well integrated science and art into her works and teaching. Currently, Ida is teaching Master psychology students in UK. Ida graduates from Ohio and further her psychological counselling professional in Australia and London.
Soulgood 免費精神健康講座 (預先錄製影片)
主題 : 如何在疫情下應對壓力,疫情下的人生和事業的反思
語言 : 英文
在疫情下,所有人的人生和事業都面對前所未有的挑戰和改變。 除了面對倍加的壓力和孤獨感,人生和事業方面如何自處也是一個重要的課題
在這30分鐘中,Soulgood 的心理治療師Ida Ng 將討論:
- 如何應對疫情帶來的壓力和孤獨感
- 加強抗壓和調整心情/思想的技巧和貼士
- 如何把握機會,對自己的人生目標和事業作出反思